7 Peak Productivity Apps That Will Change Your Life

Chenemi Abraham
4 min readApr 4, 2020

Everyone these days is talking about personal performance and complaining that they are just not productive enough. We strive to be more efficient, to save time on mundane tasks and to get more done. We want to be outstanding at what we do but still have time for activities that we love and spending time with our families.

This is why self-improvement gurus and self-help books are raking in millions by offering to share their “top productivity secrets”. These usually turn out to be generic theories like the 80/20 rule or common-sense tips such as delegating tasks or breaking up big tasks into smaller ones. The big “insider secrets” are nothing more than bogus blabber.

If you want a more tangible and direct route to boost your productivity immediately, you’re reading the right blog! The best way to achieve peak productivity requires nothing more than your smartphone, tablet or laptop, and a productivity application.

Productivity app

Productivity apps are the hottest things on the market today. Software developers have cleverly identified the major pain points that people have when it comes to being more productive. The result has been an explosion of productivity apps geared towards tackling different hurdles to productivity.

Whatever your profession or niche, whatever aspect of productivity you want to boost, there is an app for it.

What Are Productivity Apps?

A productivity app is a software that is specially devised to help you save time, be better organized, be able to achieve certain tasks faster, leading to increased productivity. There are hundreds of apps available today that can help you become more efficient in almost every area of your life.

How Do Productivity Apps Work?

Productivity apps simply make brilliant use of technology: lightning-fast internet, smartphones, tablets and laptops, as well as dedicated servers that help keep the apps functioning and up to date.

What Are the Main Benefits of Productivity Apps?

Productivity apps are designed with one basic goal in mind: to help the user finish certain tasks efficiently and quickly. Some additional benefits include:

  • Productivity apps are regularly updated automatically by the provider. You don’t’ waste time installing manual updates or additional features.
  • New features and improvements may also be added from time to time based on user feedback.
  • Unlike traditional applications that require you to work on a desktop PC or laptop, productivity apps allow you to work on the go, where you can access information, email and documents via any device including your phone.

Many apps can be customized to fit your specific needs

Common Productivity Challenges

Productivity apps help you overcome some of these common challenges:  Distractions

  • Forgetfulness
  • Disorganization
  • Crowded, overlapping schedules
  • Email chaos
  • Communication and information-sharing Re-doing work

Now, let’s jump into what you want to learn about. Here are the seven peak productivity apps and how they can benefit you.

7 Apps That Can Supercharge Your Productivity

#1: Cloud Magic Newton Mail

Get it at: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/newton-mailemail-app/id721677994

#2: Letterspace

Get it at: App Store and Play Store

#3: Trello

Get it at: https://trello.com/

#4: Last Pass

Get it at: https://www.lastpass.com/

#5: Scannable

Get it at: https://evernote.com/products/scannable/

#6: Toggl

Get it at: https://toggl.com/

#7: Anki

Get it at: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/ankiapp/

This a great selection of some of the best productivity apps out there today. There are hundreds of others that do everything from organizing your fitness and diet routines to organizing your social activities.

Although these seven apps are more geared towards traditional work productivity, you should have a basic idea of how they work to help you better organize and manage your time.

Other Quirky Productivity Apps to Check Out

If you love gaming or are easily bored, here’s some good news for you: you can now up your efficiency with gamified productivity apps!

Gamification looks to become the latest trend in the realm of productivity apps, with more and more of them coming out almost every day. If you find traditional organization apps and to-do lists tedious and boring, a gamified app is ideal for you.

Here are three innovative and quirky apps that will add a bit of fun to your daily routine while still helping you work more productively.

#1: EpicWin

#2: Smarty Pig Finance App

#3: Doable

#4: HabitRPG


In today’s world, the majority of us are digitally savvy to some degree. It makes sense to make use of what the latest technology has to offer if we want to become more productive.

Productivity apps are one of those innovative solutions — and there is one out there for every need and niche.

Want To Learn How To Instantly TRIPLE Your Productivity?

Peak productivity blueprint
Peak productivity blueprint




Chenemi Abraham

Product and solution architect for financial services